
UK Green Hydrogen Project Welcomes Customers

A new renewables project in south-west Scotland which could help kickstart a UK hydrogen economy is seeking potential customers for when it […]


Industry Reaction to New CCS Clusters

With the dust settling on the recent policy announcements regarding CCS clusters in the UK, Hydrogen Industry Leaders get the industry reaction […]


Building an Investable Hydrogen Value Chain in Scotland

According to a new report, Scotland is in a great position to showcase the potential of hydrogen, but only if the right […]


Western Isles to Transform Into Hydrogen Hub

A match-funded grant from the Scottish government’s Emerging Energy Technologies Fund worth £1.129 million will finance plans to open hydrogen facilities on […]


Scottish University Opens Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, in collaboration with two hydrogen technology firms, has launched a new centre for green hydrogen innovation and product development. […]


Aberdeen’s New Hydrogen Car Factory Could Create 800 Jobs

New hydrogen-powered cars could be built in Aberdeen if the region secures green freeport status. Hydrogen Industry Leaders looks at how the […]


Decarbonising The Events Sector: The Role Of Green Hydrogen

PlusZero will provide locally produced green hydrogen power for HebCelt’s 25th-anniversary festival, held in Scotland. Hydrogen Industry Leaders investigates how PlusZero decarbonises […]


The Hydrogen Tanker That Is Key To Renewable Energy Future

C-Job Naval Architects (C-Job) has collaborated with LH2 Europe to design a brand-new class of liquid hydrogen tanker. Hydrogen Industry Leaders look […]


How Will Hydrogen Decarbonise The Highlands?

H2 Green, a Getech business, signed a deal with SGN Commercial Services (SGN) to develop a major green hydrogen production, storage, and […]